Imagine, just a relatively short time ago, how difficult it was to conduct a survey. Well, it would go something like this. You would draft up a mailer that you would attempt to send off to your list via direct mail. Depending on the size of your list, this could cost you thousands of dollars.
Or you could hop on the phone, and give your customers a ring and ask them a series of questions over the phone, and hope that their answers are authentic. Again, time and cost would be considerable. Fast forward to today, online surveys are both cost efficient as well as an easy and valuable way to gather information from your customers.
Online surveys are easily the best way to gather information from your followers. They can be used to identify questions, concerns, problems and also develop solutions. Online surveys provide you a way to ask questions from those that matter to your business. They are private in the fact that the surveyor is is free to answer the questions without feeling self-conscious about interacting with a real person. There’s something to be said about not having to interact with someone who you may feel is trying to sell you something or has an agenda.
If you have an existing list then creating an online survey is simple and time efficient. There are a lot of platforms out there that walk you through creating online survey. Most of them are very user-friendly and offer a drag and drop type configuration. We love using EmailMeForm. It offers a great integration to WordPress. It is a pretty robust program that allows us to customize forms and generate reports on findings as we analyze our respondent’s feedback. Take time to look into your options and find the one that works the best for you.
All businesses strive to understand their customers. It helps them create a better product, keep in touch with what really motivates their customers, it also identifies any potential issues for the business. More importantly it shows your customers that you care. As a customer is let’s us know that the business isn’t just out to get our money, time or commitment. They want a relationship. Offering an open line of communication to the business. In an age of online retailing, it’s refreshing to see the gesture being utilized by many businesses. As an online economy we are losing the personal interaction once experienced when we walked into a brick and mortar business and knew the workers. Online surveying may in fact swing the pendulum back the other way and show your customers that you are all about building lasting relationships and customers for life.
Give it a try and I am sure you will see the benefit from conducting your online survey. Not only will the information be useful in your product or service implementation but it will also provide you with a ton of topics and content for social media campaigns. You can utilize responses and discuss common themes on your social platforms which will automatically resonate with your following simply based on the fact that the topics originated from that same following. Your followers will enjoy being able to provide constructive feedback which in turn will facilitate your products/services to be a better value to your customers.
Hope this helps, until next time, have fun stormin’ the castle…