Did you know that you might be getting billed monthly for services you are no longer using? TrackMySubs is a service that tracks your purchases and notifies you when they are being renewed.
It has been identified that many people are not aware of the services they are licensing and have forgotten they have them. The service helps customers stay in the know and out of the dark.
TrackMySubs - How Much Do You Know About Your Own Purchases?
I got a question for you. How much money did you spend last month on your side
Software subscriptions on applications and tools and online services that you pay for some of them we buy on annual accounts. Some of them we pay for monthly. How much did
It you spend last month? You don't know, do you,
You have no idea how much money you spent last month. You have a rough idea. You could make a guess, but you don't know exactly how much you spent. And that is a common problem. Don't feel bad. Most of us are in that boat. If you aren't in that boat, this is probably not the best video for you because you don't need the services, which I'm going to be talking about. But for those of us who have that issue, and occasionally when we check our credit card statement or we check our PayPal, we see $380 to X, Y, z.com. Who is that? And why am I spending $300? And you go and you look, and you will wait a minute. Of course, I bought a one-year subscription to this service. I don't use it anymore. So I've forgotten about it. Now, some companies will let you know in advance, they will send you an email saying you have an annual license with us.
It's coming due just to let you know. And that is fantastic. If you're a company that does that good on you, that's the way it should be. But many companies just leave us to our own devices. Don't they, they let us discover that bill in our credit card statement or in some payment system. And, and, and then often we are feel like we're wasting money and we are indeed wasting money. It's an area of our lives that we, I don't have control over for many of us. Well, I am glad that you're here today. If you are in that kettle with me, because today we're going to show you how you can track all of your different subscriptions and gain control over it. Probably most likely save money. That's coming up today on Datto tech, Steve daughter here, how the heck you're doing this fine day.
And as promised today on Datto tech, we're going to talk about tracking all of your different subscriptions, the software and the tools that you use that we pay for on an annual or a monthly, or sometimes we buy it outright. We purchase these tools, but we really don't have any system for tracking. And for letting us know when the bills are coming due and giving us control over the environment, because there are tools that we use in their tools that we don't use anymore in the tools that we don't use, we really should stop paying for. It's just wasted money and it's money that we can easily recapture through the use of a service that I've discovered called track my subs.com. This is a service that you pay a small subscription fee or sell for, but it will then go through and it will track all of our different subscription services. Now, before we dive in and I show you the tool, I know you've got two questions. The first question is Steve, there are free services that do this. There's a couple of free tools out there that will track my subscriptions for me. And they, the whole process for me, why in the world would I pay for something that I could get for free?
Well, you have to ask yourself, why are you getting it for free? I,
I am not a big fan of these services that will track all of your payments for you and not charge you because how are they making their money? They're making their money off your information. They're selling your information to somebody else. And that is a position that I am just not comfortable with. I would much rather have a far cleaner relationship with my providers and say, I will give you $10 a month. And you give me this service in return. That to me is an equitable relationship that I want. And that's the way track my subs works. You're also always wondering when you watch these videos, is Steve being paid to do this particular video? Is this a paid placement? No, I haven't had any contact with anybody at track by subs. Now they do have a public affiliate program that I've signed up for. So if you're kind enough to click on my link and you end up purchasing it, I will be compensated in a small way, but I haven't even had a conversation yet with the folks at track by subs. I tried, I sent them an email, but they haven't responded. So somebody out there from track my subs as well, this email,
Let's get into it. So let's take a look at the tool. It's so easy to set up. They've got a very clean interface and they don't try and do too much. That's one of the things I really like about this tool. You sign up you can have a free trial and you can test it for a period of time, for free or with a couple of different accounts to get a feel for it. But if you decide to purchase it at costs, I think it's $120 Australian. Actually. That's the very first subscription that you see here in my dashboard. Now what happens is every time you have a bill payment, if you w if you, I w what I did is I went through all of my existing credit card statements and my PayPal statements. And I found all of the different subscription services that I regularly pay for.
And with each one, I created a new listing here, and this is what you put into the listing. When you create a new listing, you determine whether it's a subscription, it's a trial version, which is great, because sometimes you use end up starting a trial version of software. They asked for your credit card and you forget to cancel before they charge you what a pain in the that is not a problem. This will solve that problem. They also allow you to incorporate lifetime deals, which means you can, you can figure out exactly how much money you're spending on your entire toolkit, not just the stuff that you're paying for monthly. And they also have a revenue side where you're selling software. I haven't really looked at that side of the business. I'm not too interested in what they're offering there. I'm interested in how they track my subscriptions.
So you choose the type of service that you are tracking. In most cases, it's going to be a subscription. You put in the name of the company, and then you put in how much. So if this was say, I was a, let's say a Spotify account, you can add a description. You can say it's a trial, lifetime, or revenue. What we're just talking about. And with a lot of the companies, they drop a little badge in a little icon that lets you know, what they are. When you go to the next page, they ask you what your next payment date is and what your billing cycle is. And it's very flexible as far as that and ask if it auto renews, once you've done that, let me just put it into some time here make next payment date is going to be, let's say this day here, and that does it auto renew.
Yes. On the final page they ask you how much you pay for that particular service. And we'll say $8. They allow you to have multi-currency, which is awesome because we all don't live in the same country. We all don't pay by the same currency. And then you, they ask you the most important question they say, do you want to have an alert when this subscription renews now for monthly services that you use over and over again each month, say like Netflix or something like that, you might not say, I want a monthly alert because the chances are you don't you, you're not going to cancel it. And if you are, you are well aware of the service, but for other services, especially ones that you buy that are annual subscriptions, they will send you emails based on your own criteria a week before, a couple of days before reminding you that you have a subscription coming due.
And that gives you plenty of time to rethink whether or not you want to continue in that, that subscription, or if you perhaps want to cancel it. And it gives you the time buffer that you need to cancel it. Now I'm just going to cancel this and show you, here's my list of mine. Now I'll blur out most of the numbers, but you can see all of the different tools that I use and you can see the type of account that it is. And it's all the way down to like small little plugins that I have for my web browser. Now it's, I've actually kind of gotten excited about this product because every time I see a new bill come in, I go, oh, I haven't added that yet to it. So I add that to track my subs. And along with the fact that it will let me know when subscriptions are coming due, which will save you money.
It's already saved me money because there are subscriptions that have come due that I go, I'm not using that anymore, cancel away. And I never have, I don't have those payments anymore, but it also gives you a summary. So you know how much you're spending monthly right now, we're spending $820 on our subscription services. If that's a big number, you might want to take a look at it and say, how could I make it smaller? It also, I also have here all of the different lifetime deals of different tools that I've purchased and invested in. And so it keeps track of all of those. Now you can get into a whole bunch of additional areas. You can add, create personal or business. You can add these folders that are going to give you a lot more structure and a lot more organization. But in my opinion, just on the surface, just the way that the tool works vanilla as is when you launch the website, this is an invaluable service that I'm thrilled to share with you because a it's going to save you money B.
It's going to create convenience for you and see it's not a service that's tracking your personal information. It's a legitimate relationship where I give them $110 a year. And they track all of my subscriptions for me. And they act as my partner letting me know when subscriptions are due so that I can make the best decision for me and my business. It's tracked my subs.com. There'll be a link in the description, which is our affiliate link. I appreciate it if you use that link. But even if you don't, I hope that this was incredibly valuable to you. And I would love to hear your comments. Is this a tool that you're using? Is it working for you? And if you save money, please let me know in the comments. I, I I'd like to, I'd like to share in your success with this particular product. It's, it's one of the, it's one of the feel-good good products that I get to share from time to time. I hope you found today's video useful. If you have, then please give us a thumbs up. As I say, make a comment. And if you've not yet subscribed to Datto tech, make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell. So you are informed when we upload new videos till next time I am. Steve Dotto have fun storming the castle.
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