After much encouragement from the entire Dotto Tech community, we take on the topic of which is better, OneNote or Evernote! Actually we are NOT going to tell you which one is better, but instead, we will concentrate on five key differences between the two applications.
Research and Retention
Both Evernote and OneNote have browser-based Web Clippers The OneNote Web Clipper is a stripped down version with only basic capture available. The Evernote Web Clipper is a mature implementation that provides total control over the capture of most types of online data, including the ability to annotate, catalog and add notes to the clipped content.Winner in a landslide Evernote

Composition and Editing
While Evernote provides basic editing and formatting features, Onenote excels in rich formatting and page layout capabilities as well as the ability to incorporate rich media (such as YouTube Video for payback on the page)Winner in another landslide OneNote

The Evernote mobility app is far more sophisticated that the Onenote App. However if you use a pen-based mobile device (Microsoft Surface or stylus based Android device) OneNote becomes a joy to work with, doing a great job of mimicking a paper notepad.The winner is a Tie; Evernote wins in the quality of App, OneNote in user experience with a stylus.

Evernote provides far less visual organization, with limited hierarchical structure, being search based. Evernote provides far less visual organization, with limited hierarchical structure, being search based. OneNote will allow far more structure to your notebooks. However Evernote is build to search rather than scan for recall, so again we have a tie.Winner – Whichever style works for you.