- I have to tell you, one of the most amazing apps we have in the mobile space is Google Translate, a free app from our friends at Google. We will look at it today on Dotto Tech. Steve Dotto here, how the heck you doing this fine day? At Dotto Tech, we make technology easy, so you can do more. Now, today on the show we are gonna take a look at Google Translate. Now, Google has long given us translation services online, and they've had an app for their smartphone for quite some time, but oh my, oh my, how they have made this app just a thing of beauty. If you travel anywhere in the world, you can download Google Translate onto your smartphone, you can even pre-load the official language, or the language of the region that you're traveling to, so you don't necessarily need to have mobile access for it to work, and the functionality that they've built into it is, well, it's staggering. Let me, let me show you just a few of the features. Now, when you open Google Translate onto your smartphone it looks like same whether you're in Android or iOS. You have at the very top the languages that are prepared for you to translate, and if you just tap on either one you can see that you've got a bewildering number of languages that it will translate into. And do you see next to many of these languages, for example Finnish here, if we want to, we can download the Finnish translation file onto our smartphone, so that even if we don't have internet access when we happen to be wandering about in Finland, we can still use all of the services that are built into Google Translate. That is a huge benefit. So, we'll just leave it set for French, English for now, or translate it from English to French. Now, they have a bar, or a series of tools, that will allow you to use Transalte in a variety of different ways. We'll show you the Camera in a moment. The Handwriting works great if you have a tablet computer. I love the Conversation mode. Now, imagine this. You are in the streets of Paris. You need to find out how to get somewhere. You meet somebody that doesn't speak English, but they are obviously willing to help. You can use this tool, the Conversation tool, which translates both sides of a conversation where your smartphone becomes an interpreter, sitting between you and the other person, watch. Excuse me, can you please tell me how to get to the bus station?
- [Woman] Yes, open the grapefruit.
- I'm not that good at French. My French is a little bit rusty, but you get the idea. Now, it doesn't just work in the translation mode this way, but you can also use it for reading signage, or menus. So, I've got a French translation here up on my screen. It's actually a government of Canada document where they are translating some passages from French to English. So, we can check how accurate it is by using this, but watch this. You turn on the Camera, and then you simply point it at the menu, or whatever it is that you want to translate, you take the picture. Now, this is just text on a computer screen, but once it's resolved it, it highlights all of the words and then you just paint with your finger what you what it to translate, and it takes that information and it translates it from the French to English, and we take a look here. There we go, however at the insistence of the opposing party for our French version, and it says while the opposing side, party insisted on receiving a French version. It's gonna be good enough for you to understand exactly what the translation is. As I say, for signage, for menus within restaurants, for directions, anywhere there's written text it will capture that text with the camera and then translate it for you. I think you can see all of the different areas that Google Translate will work for you when you're traveling on the road. Now, I've been using Google Translate on the web for quite some time. When people post comments in my YouTube channel in a different language it allows me to translate them instantly and even reply in their native tongue, which I think is great. I think that Google Translate reduces the stress of traveling in an area where you do not speak the language by many fold, and the fact that it's a free service, I mean, I would pay, I would happily pay for this functionality, but it's all available for free, and the fact that you can download the languages into your phone so you can use them without having internet access is just genius I think. Well done, Google. Winner winner, chicken dinner. Oh, oh. Have fun storming the castle. I love reading your comments and suggestions, so please post below. I do read every single one. If you like this video, please give it a like and share it with your friends or colleagues who may find it useful. Now, make sure you've subscribed and hit that notification bell and if you have time check out some of our other videos right over there. 'Til next time, I'm Steve Dotto. Have fun storming the castle.
Discover how the Google Translate Mobile app can help you make traveling a million times less stressful.
It's a universal translating device, in your pocket.
Watch the video to find out how it works.
Until next time,
Have fun storming the castle!
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