Facebook’s Hidden Messages
Facebook’s hidden messages seem to be the topic of conversation these days with good reason. We have conversations on Facebook on a very frequent basis, many of us daily. Most of these conversations are with friends, colleagues, people that we are connected with as “friends” on Facebook. But what about those conversations that come from people looking to connect and network with us, people we are not currently “friends” with. Facebook has taken it upon themselves to filter those messages for us, said, protecting us from spam. So why are we finding messages that we should have received in this hidden folder of protection? Many people saying they have thousands of messages, many that were legitimate message requests, not spam that has been filtered into this dark Facebook’s hidden messages hole. Well done Facebook. Unable to turn back the clock, our option at this point is to find our way into the hidden messages on Facebook and try to reconcile any potential snubbing that may have happened due to our lack of information on these messages. To find your Facebook’ hidden messages:- Open up your Facebook Messenger app
- Tap on the Settings icon
- Tap on “People“
- Tap “Message Requests“
- Scroll to the bottom and click “See filtered requests“